Learn how to move without knee pain when lunging ...more
How To Avoid Knee Pain When Lunging!
February 04, 2025•2 min read
What's the most effective way to achieve optimal body composition? What comes first? What is the plan? ...more
Getting the Order Right: Nutrition, Weight Training, and Cardio for Optimal Body Composition
April 27, 2024•3 min read
Most people are lifting weights but very few are making real gains in the gym or elsewhere ...more
Slowing Down The Weight For Better Strength G
April 27, 2024•1 min read
Your health is directly linked to your body composition and percentage of body fat. ...more
Your Body Composition Shapes Your Health
April 27, 2024•3 min read
Why runners biggest problem is not there running. ...more
Why Runners Biggest Problem Is Not Their Glutes
April 27, 2024•1 min read
Which weight do you need to use? A common mistake that most gym amateurs make. ...more
Choosing the right weight
April 27, 2024•2 min read